EPP Data Dashboard

PNW’s Educator Preparation Provider (EPP) considers data essential for continuous program improvement.

By state law, the Indiana Department of Education (IDOE) annually collects and reports information from Educator Preparation Programs (EPPs). The following information is collected from EPPs, principals, teachers, and schools.



By state law, the Indiana Department of Education (IDOE) collects and reports information from Educator Preparation Programs (EPPs) annually. The following information is collected from EPPs, principals, teachers, and schools:

  • The “attrition, retention, and completion rates of teacher candidates for the previous three (3) calendar years.” 
  • Average scaled or standard scores of program completers in basic skills, content, and pedagogical testing.
  • Average number of times program completers took the basic skills, content, and pedagogy tests before passing.
  • Percentage passing the basic skills, content, and pedagogy tests on the first attempt.
  • Admission practices of each program as they compare to the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP) minimum admission standards.
  • Principal survey results of the quality of their teachers completing an Indiana program within the previous two (2) years.
  • Teacher feedback form results for those receiving initial license within the previous three (3) years.
  • Staff performance evaluation results are reported in the aggregate.
  • The number of teacher candidates in each content area who complete the teacher preparation program during the year, disaggregated by ranges of cumulative grade point averages.
  • The number of teacher candidates in each content area who, during the year:
    • (A) do not pass a content area licensure examination; and
    • (B) do not retake the content area licensure examination.

This information must be reported using a matrix which is to be posted to the IDOE website. While this matrix is not intended to rank or “grade” programs, it provides an opportunity for the public to interpret or compare program quality based on a variety of data points. Please note that all data points are based upon the September 1– August 31 Title II timeframe.

CAEP Accountability Measures

EPP Data Dashboard Measure 1: Completer Impact & Effectiveness 98% of Teachers who graduated from PNW were Marked Effective/Highly Effective One (1) Year Experience Two (2) Years Experience Three (3) Years Experience

Teacher Effectiveness: Data based on the academic year 2022-2023 will be available from the Indiana Department of Education (IDOE) in September 2024 and will be updated on this website at that time. During the academic year 2021-2022, the final percentage of teachers rating highly effective/effective was 98% based on 236/240 teachers evaluated.  This data supports the idea that Purdue Northwest School of Education and Counseling prepares teacher candidates to be successful once they transition to the classroom. Only four teachers out of 240 (less than 2%) are not considered either effective or highly effective.

View Full Report

EPP Data Dashboard Measure 2: Satisfaction of Employers & Stakeholder Involvement 100% of principals agree PNW completers meet the Knowledge Preparation, Pedagogical Preparation, and Professional Dispositions of Teachers


Satisfaction of Employers & Stakeholder Involvement: Data based on the academic year 2022-2023 will be available from the Indiana Department of Education (IDOE) in September 2024 and will be updated on this website at that time.  During the academic year 2021-2022, analysis of satisfaction of employers for PNW Completers indicates that building administrators perceive completers to be applying the knowledge, skills, and dispositions they learned in their preparation program.  It also indicates that principals see completers exhibit these understandings ethically and in adherence with the legal requirements of teaching, that completers analyze student assessment data to improve classroom instruction, that they integrate technological tools to advance student learning, and that they are open and accepting of suggestions/constructive feedback.

While no area in the data indicates perceived levels of performance that are concerning, feedback from employers indicated additional training in the following areas could be beneficial…data to inform instruction;  increased differential instruction; Article VII; literacy instruction; Science of Reading; dealing with a variety of behaviors, regardless of labels.


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2024 Title II Report
Licensure Exam Pass Rates
Traditional Programs
Alternative Programs

Multiple points of data regarding candidate competency upon completion are used to determine the EPP’s efficacy in this area. A large portion of this data is captured in our annual Title II report.  The  Title II single assessment pass rates on all certification exam results for convenience and maximum transparency. Sample sizes with fewer than 10 examinees are not reported based on privacy reasons.

Purdue University Northwest complies with Title II reporting requirements. Title II Section 207 of the Higher Education Act (HEA) requires states, recipients of HEA funds, and all institutions with teacher preparation programs that enroll students receiving federal financial assistance to prepare annual reports on teacher preparation and licensing.

2024 Title II Report Traditional programs

2024 Title II Report Alternative programs

2022 Title II Report Traditional programs

2022 Title II Report Alternative programs

2021 Title II Report Traditional programs

2021 Title II Report Alternative programs

During the 2022-2023 academic year, there were a total of ninety (90) completers. Across all programs, 76% (68 candidates) received their teaching license; this is a 4% increase over last academic year. To be hired in educational positions, candidates must graduate from the program and pass the licensure exams required by the Indiana Department of Education. 2023-2024 data will be available in September 2024 and will be updated on this website at that time.

If you have any questions about this data, please contact us.