Stalking Behaviors

Explore the Counseling Center’s tips and recommendations for how to deal with stalking behavior.

Communicate a no-contact statement with the stalker (i.e.“I am not interested in having a relationship with you, please do not call, text, stop by or make any contact with me whatsoever.”). Remember, after this first no-contact statement – do not engage in communication with the stalker, as he/she may believe that your continued communication is a reason for hope and persistence in maintaining the relationship.

  • Contact: The Office of the Dean of Students; University Police; Housing & Residential Education (if you live on-campus).
  • Call 911 if you are in an emergency situation.
  • NEVER communicate back to the stalker. Although you may be feel tempted to approach the stalker, this should not be done since stalkers are dangerous and unpredictable.
  • Document evidence of the stalking. Write down when, where, and how the stalker followed or contacted you.  Do not erase notes, e-mails, text messages, or voicemails the stalker has sent you.  Ask witnesses to also document what they have seen has occurred between you and the stalker.
  • Photograph any type of injuries the stalker has caused to you. Also photograph any type of damage to your property or belongings.
  • Talk to those close to you about the stalking. Let others be aware of your stalking situation. Seek their support and help.
  • Contact your local authorities. Bring any type of documentation with you, as well as any witnesses to the stalking. You may be able to receive a court protective order against the stalker.
  • Asks the individual out on a date, sends unwanted e-mails, text messages, phone calls as a way to maintain conversation and/or a relationship.
  • Shows up at unusual times/places without being invited (i.e. school, work, place of residence). Asks questions about the person you are interested in, gathering information about him/her. Sends unwanted gifts.
  • Uses technology to track where someone is going (i.e. GPS, hidden cameras, computers, internet phones). Finds out about the individual by using public records or online search services, hiring investigators, going through one’s garbage, or contacting friends, family, neighbors, or co-workers. Illegal interference includes slander, libel, blackmail, distributing photos of you when they don’t have a legal model release, etc.  Making statements such as “you’ll be sorry” and/or trying to stand in your way, blocking your path, walking toward you while yelling.
  • Clearly stated threats to hurt an individual, individual’s family, friends and pets.
  • Vandalism or destruction of one’s property, home, belongings.
  • Violence toward yourself, those around you, your pets, or animals in your environment. Abduction, assault, etc.
  • Persistent Ex or Potential Suitor: You feel that there is no need for contact or a relationship with the individual; however you notice that the individual is continuing to try to make contact with you, through unwanted communication.
  • Uncomfortable Contact, Interference: You begin to feel uncomfortable about the person continuing to show interest and/or gather information about you.  The behavior you hare experiencing is beginning to interfere with your ability to live your life.
  • Intimidating Contact, Implied Threats, Illegal Interference
  • Threats
  • Aggression/Violence Towards Inanimate Objects: Items and property that belong to you are damaged.
  • Aggression/Violence Towards Living Things: You fear for your own and others safety.
  • Click here for additional resources on how to identify stalking behaviors
