Indiana College Core Certificate
The Indiana College Core is a block of 30 credit hours of general education, college-level coursework that can be transferred between all public and some private Indiana colleges and universities. Indiana College Core helps students save time and money toward their higher education.

About Indiana College Core
No matter your intended pathway after high school, the Indiana College Core can help you get there.
Indiana College Core Coursework
The Indiana College Core consists of competencies, which are the skills and knowledge that comprise the coursework. Students must earn at least three credits in each of the six areas to total 18 credit hours, and each institution can determine the distribution of the remaining 12 credit hours.
Foundational Intellectual Skills
- Quantitative Reasoning
- Speaking and Listening
- Written Communication
Ways of Knowing
- Humanistic and Artistic
- Scientific
- Social and Behavioral
Purdue University Northwest Indiana College Core Partner Sites
Visit College Core for a full list of high schools offering ICC partnerships.
Additional ICC Information
- Build Confidence: Students discover success in college is achievable.
- Flexible Scheduling: Students can work, intern, or study abroad while graduating on time.
- Transferable Credits: The ICC is accepted at all public and many private Indiana colleges.
- Satisfy Requirements: Completing the ICC meets most general education needs.
- On-Time Graduation: Earning dual credit helps students graduate on time or early.
- Utilizing the Indiana College Core planning tool assists students in creating a plan of college-level credits they will take in high school to complete the ICC.
- It is important for students to work with their school counselor to decide which plan is best for them.
- Students can navigate particular tracks to see what they need to complete the ICC.
ICC Stages for Students
The ICC Certificate can be completed through multiple college-credit-bearing opportunities: dual credit, concurrent enrollment, Advanced Placement (AP) testing, and CLEP testing, to name a few. For your post-secondary institution (college or university) to award the certificate, you must request that all institutions send transcripts and test scores to your ICC provider.
- If PNW is your ICC provider, watch for advising days at your high school to learn more. You can also watch for emails from PNW Concurrent Enrollment advisor Rachel Meyers.
- Pro-Tip – when requesting that transcripts/test scores be sent to your ICC institution, request that they be sent to the college/university you plan to attend! This will save you time when you get closer to registration and enrollment.
Once proof of all your earned college credits has been sent to your ICC provider, that college/university will conduct a degree audit. When all requirements are met, you will officially be awarded your ICC certificate from that institution.
- Congratulations! Not only have you graduated from high school, you have taken a huge step in completing the general education requirements for your college degree.
- In addition to the transcripts previously discussed, you can now request your official ICC Certificate be sent to your college/university to demonstrate completion of the 30-hour general education requirements.
- Congratulations again on this accomplishment!
FAQs for Parents and Family
Below is a list of our current partners:
- Visit College Core for full list of high schools offering ICC partnerships.
You can plan for the certificate by using the College Core Planning tool!
FAQs for Students
Using Indiana’s Core Transfer Library (CTL) makes it easy to find out. The CTL is a comprehensive, continually updated list of courses pre-approved for transfer between all Indiana public college and university campuses and five independent colleges and universities. Students must earn a C or higher for the course to fulfill ICC requirements. If a C- or lower is earned:
- The course cannot fulfill ICC requirements, and
- Students taking coursework through PNW may be placed on Academic Notice and/or dismissed from the institution for failure to maintain a 2.0 GPA. PNW Concurrent Enrollment students can learn more about Academic Standing at PNW by visiting the PNW Academic Catalog or reviewing the CEP Guide to Student Success provided at the beginning of each CEP course.
Utilize the searchable database to find which PNW dual credit and AP courses can be applied toward the Indiana College Core.
- Input “PNW” in the “Provider” column.
- Be sure to scroll through all the pages
If you are a student and have already completed the ICC at PNW, email to reach out to the First Year Advisors at PNW to begin planning your future studies.
If you are a student who has earned the ICC at a university other than PNW, a transcript request must be completed from your school. Students should contact their past advisors to inquire about this process.
Reach out to First Year Advisors at PNW by emailing
FAQs for Schools (Admin and Counselors)
If you want to partner with PNW to offer the ICC Certificate, please contact Katie Bowers to begin the course alignment process.
Use the below resources to help them choose their coursework and connect with a First Year Advisor:
- See how your credits will transfer to PNW by using our Transfer Credit Course equivalency system
- Reach out to First Year Advisors at PNW by emailing