
Learn more about the Community Counseling Center’s accreditations and discover answers to your FAQs.

Our counselors are graduate candidates of the CACREP-accredited clinical mental health and school counseling programs and the ICAADA-approved addictions counseling programs. They provide community-counseling services under the supervision and training of licensed faculty. Our services adhere to the American Counseling Association professional codes of ethics and standards of practice.


We provide individual counseling services in person at our clinic and over a secure telehealth platform.

The Community Counseling Center offers short-term individual counseling for adults and children.

Issues commonly presented include:

  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Grief/Loss
  • Drug or alcohol
  • Identity/ sexual orientation
  • Trauma survivors
  • Coping skills for life events

We are unable to treat individuals diagnosed with serious psychological disorders.

We offer affordable counseling services for community members at $10 per session. We also offer a sliding scale based on need.

Payments are made online.

Each session is 50 minutes.

Call 219-989-2923. You may also fill out the Appointment Request Form to make an appointment.

You will receive a return phone call for a brief screening to assess if you are eligible for our counseling services.

If you are eligible for our services after the screening process, an appointment will be arranged where an intake will be done.

If you are non-eligible for our services, and your needs are out of our expertise, you will receive a referral for more qualified services. You may still be non-eligible after the intake form has been processed.

We do not offer emergency crisis intervention outside of the center’s hours of operation. In the event of an emergency, please call 9-1-1.

You will be provided with appropriate referral resources from all around the Northwest Indiana and Chicagoland areas.

The PNW Community Counseling Center is a facility for counselors-in-training. Client information will be maintained and secured on a HIPAA-compliant electronic system. Faculty, supervisors and counselors-in-training will access charts only for the purposes of supervisory review and clinical training.

  • All counseling services and client records at PNW’s Community Counseling Center are kept confidential. Client information is not shared with anyone without written permission from the client.
  • In order to provide clients with the highest quality of care, counselors-in-training will consult with on-site supervisors and/or faculty.

Yes. There are situations in which we are required by law and/or professional ethics to release clinical information. These include the following situations:

  • A client is in imminent danger to self or others
  • A child or elder is being abused, neglected or exploited
  • Requirement to present records or information as a part of a legal proceeding
  • Someone is gravely disabled

If any of these situations arise staff, faculty, and counselor trainees will make every effort to discuss the process with clients.

At the first appointment you will be asked to read and sign a Counseling Agreement/Consent form. This document describes policies and procedures including confidentiality and your rights to privacy.  During the first session the counselor or therapist trainee will review materials and answer any questions regarding policies or forms. An atmosphere of safety and trust is of utmost importance.

Meet Our Staff

PNW placeholder image

Cathryn Cearing

Clinical Instructor


(219) 989-2580

Hammond-IBCC 1003