Academic Attire

All candidates must be in standard academic regalia. You should wear dark shoes (preferably black), and other clothing should be dark wherever visible.

In keeping with the solemnity of this occasion, it is requested that no other adornment be worn. The academic attire for each degree level is explained below.

Doctoral Candidate

Academic regalia means a black 8-sided tam (cap) with black tassel, a hood and black doctoral gown with black velvet trim. The doctoral gown has full-length sleeves with velvet panels down the front and three velvet bars on each sleeve. The doctoral hood with Purdue colors and the appropriate color for you degree will be placed on you while on stage by your faculty mentor during the Commencement ceremony.

CollegeDoctoral DegreeHood Color
College of Humanities, Education and Social ScienceDoctor of PsychologyGold
College of NursingDoctor of Nursing PracticeApricot
College of TechnologyDoctor of TechnologyRed

Master’s Candidate

Academic regalia means a black mortarboard cap with black tassel, a hood and a black master’s gown. The master’s gown has full-length oblong sleeves with an opening at the wrist. The master’s hood should be attached to your gown and drape down your back. Our staff will be on hand to assist you with the proper placement of your hood. The hood must be an appropriate master’s hood with Purdue colors. It is important to note that any other hood, or no hood, will disqualify a master’s degree candidate from participation in Commencement.

CollegeMaster Degree Hood Color 
College of BusinessAccountancy,

Master of Business Administration (MBA),

Business Administration for Executives

Sciences in College of Engineering and SciencesBiology (MS),

Computer Science (MS) (not CIS),

Mathematics (MS)

Gold Yellow
School of Engineering in College of Engineering and SciencesElectrical and Computer Engineering (MSECE),

Interdisciplinary Engineering (MSE),

Mechanical and Civil Engineering (MSME)

Humanities and Social Sciences in College of Humanities, Education, and Social SciencesChild Development and Family Studies (MS) – Marriage and Family TherapyMaroon
Humanities and Social Sciences in College of Humanities, Education, and Social SciencesCommunication (MA)Citron
Humanities and Social Sciences in College of Humanities, Education, and Social SciencesEnglish (MA),

History (MA)

School of Education in College of Humanities, Education, and Social SciencesEducation (MSED) – Human Services, Mental Health or School Counseling,

Education (MSED) – Special Education

Light Blue
College of NursingNursing (MSN)Apricot
College of TechnologyTechnology (MS),

Modeling, Simulation and Visualization (MSMSV)


Baccalaureate Candidate

Academic regalia means a black mortarboard cap with colored tassel corresponding to major field of study as indicated below and a full-sleeved black gown.

Major Tassel Color 
College of Business

All College of Business majors

College of Engineering and Sciences

Applied Mathematics and Statistics, Biological Sciences, Chemistry, Computer Science (not CIS), Integrative Human Health, Physical Sciences, Physics, and at the Hammond campus Secondary Teaching for Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics, Physics

Gold Yellow
School of Engineering (not Technology)Orange
College of Humanities, Education, and Social Sciences

Behavioral Sciences, Communication, Criminal Justice, English, Foreign Languages, History, Human Development & Family Sciences, Liberal Studies, Philosophy, Political Science, Psychology, Sociology, Social Work, and at the Hammond campus Secondary Teaching for the disciplines: English, Foreign Languages, Social Studies

School of Education

Elementary Education at both campuses.  Early Childhood Education and Secondary Education majors at the Westville campus.

Secondary Teaching at the Hammond campus should wear the tassel color corresponding to the major subject area.

Light Blue
College of NursingApricot
College of Technology 

Computer Graphics Technology, Computer Information Technology, Cybersecurity, Construction Engineering and Management Technology, Electrical Engineering Technology,  Mechanical Engineering Technology, Mechatronics Engineering Technology, Organizational Leadership and Supervision

University College

Multidisciplinary Studies

Cool Gray
PNW Faculty parade in in academic regalia

History of Academic Regalia

Rooted in Medieval Europe, the history of academic regalia is rich, evoking different areas of study and degrees of distinction.

See Different Examples

Questions about the tassel or hood color for your degree and major?

Contact the Office of the Registrar.

Phone: (219) 989-2334

To ensure proper assistance please provide your email address when submitting an email or leaving a voicemail message.