Two students look at a desktop computer. One student is standing and the other student is sitting.

College of Technology

PNW’s College of Technology partners with business, industry and government to give students opportunities to solve real-world problems, leading to internships and jobs.

Alejandro Campos photo

Throughout my four years, I learned to be a leader—not just in college, but also in life.

Mohammad Attallah testimonial photo

It’s possible to speak to your professors and get to know them and have them get to know you. It feels like a community.

Mia Flory

I loved the labs. The labs took everything I learned in class and put it into actual physical form. It’s a hands-on program where you attend lectures and then you go to lab and it’s exactly what you just studied.


All of the hands-on training I’m receiving at PNW is helping me narrow down exactly what I want to do once I graduate.

Jacob Lindahl

The classes are small, personal and hands-on, you’re able to build connections with your classmates and professors. If you have questions you can actually talk to the professors.


Students gather at an information table

Invest in Yourself

Student Resources

Specialty scholarships, student organizations, collegiate competitions and internship opportunities – see how the College of Technology can help you succeed.



National Center

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security and National Security Agency granted the National Center for Academic Excellence for Cyber Defense Education designation to PNW.

Two students walk together outside of the Classroom Office Building. There are more students on the sidewalk behind them

About Us

Meet College of Technology

See how our accredited programs and discipline-specific skills acquisition help graduates thrive.

News and Announcements

A white lion statue

Purdue University Northwest students earn fall 2024 Dean’s List honors

The Purdue University Northwest (PNW) 2024 fall semester Dean’s List recognizes 1,726 undergraduate students for their academic achievements.

Armando Lopez

Turn The Tassel Podcast – First-Gen Voices (Featuring Armando Lopez)

Turn the Tassel: First Gen Voices is a podcast focusing on the stories, struggles and successes of first-generation college graduates. In episode five, Armando Lopez, ‘15, shares how he became a Cloud Engineer at Applied Systems.

A PNW student crosses the stage with her degree

Purdue University Northwest Graduates Encouraged to Commit to Themselves and Their Dreams

Purdue University Northwest celebrated summer and fall 2024 graduates during two ceremonies held Saturday, Dec. 14. A total of 650 candidates were recognized for not only their commitment to academic excellence, but also their grit exhibited through student leadership, community service and extracurricular involvement.

Important Dates

Mar 12

Spring 2025 Career Expo

The Purdue Northwest Spring Career Expo is a career fair for students and alumni who are seeking full-time employment and internships across all industries and academic majors.

Mar 17

Spring Break Week

Enjoy your Spring Break! Classes resume Monday, March 24.

Mar 23

Big Sell Submission Deadline

Think you have the next big business idea? Want a chance to win $10,000 in eight minutes? Mark your calendar…the 2025 Big Sell Final will be on May 3! Video […]

Mar 23

2025 “Best of the Region” Voting Deadline

The Times of Northwest Indiana has opened the polls to vote in the 2025 Best of the Region contest. Please take the time to vote for PNW!


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Indicated undergraduate programs in the College of Technology are nationally accredited. This ensures that each program is independently reviewed and meets the quality expectation for that profession. Accrediting agencies include ABET (Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology, Inc.).