Faculty Profiles
July 16, 2024
Leading and participating in multi-site educational research to develop evidence-based strategies for teaching, Beth Vottero research focuses on quality improvement in nursing and has generated a body of knowledge for nursing educators.
December 16, 2021
Jodi Allen trains PNW’s nurses to meet the pandemic’s challenges
As nurses took the frontline during the COVID-19 pandemic, Jodi Allen, family nurse practitioner coordinator and assistant professor in the Purdue University Northwest College of Nursing, helped to lead PNW's response while ensuring her students could continue to get the hands-on training they needed to grow in their profession.
June 18, 2021
A Real-World Approach to Nursing
Jodi Allen, assistant professor and Family Nursing Practitioner program coordinator in the College of Nursing, has a goal to produce safe, prudent and excellent nurse practitioners.
September 3, 2020
Faculty Profile: Angela Schooley
College of Nursing professor Angela Schooley is adapting her courses to stay connected to her students—and to inspire them to succeed.