Our People

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Erica Nichols

Lecturer of Philosophy


(219) 989-2645

Hammond Campus, CLO 266

Kristin Novotny

Kristin Novotny, Ph.D.

Associate Dean, College of Humanities, Education and Social Sciences


(219) 989-2585

Hammond, PORT 114D

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Josephine (Jozie) Nummi, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor of Sociology


(219) 989-8145

Hammond, PORT 216B

Mary Beth O'Connor

Mary Beth O’Connor, M.A.

Professor Emeritus, Communication

Devin O'Malley

Devin O’Malley

Administrative Assistant, Office of Assessment, Accreditation & Growth


(219) 989-3220

Hammond, CLO 315

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Office of Partnerships and Outreach

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Paul Joseph Osisek

Professor Emeritus of Developmental Studies (Retired)

Yu Ouyang

Yu Ouyang, Ph.D.

Interim Department Chair, History, Philosophy, Political Science and Economics | Interim Department Chair, English and World Languages


(219) 989-3143

Hammond, CLO 296

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Daniel L. Padberg

Professor Emeritus of Communication

Anna K. Pajak

Anna K. Pajak

Continuing Lecturer


(219) 989-2114

Porter Hall 203A