Lori Utesch

Lori Utesch graduated from Purdue North Central, in 2015, with a Bachelor of Science degree in psychology with a minor in sociology. She returns to her home campus, in Westville, every semester to present her professionalism workshop to social sciences undergraduates. After working at the Westville Correctional Facility, for two years, as an Addictions Counselor in Training,
Lori enrolled in the Purdue University Northwest clinical mental health counseling graduate program. Currently in her 6th semester, Lori is a graduate assistant at the Indianapolis Boulevard Community Counseling Center, President of PNW’s Chi Sigma Iota’s chapter Psi Upsilon Chi, and an advocate for prison rehabilitation and reform, victims and survivors of sexual assault and abuse, and those recovering from the trauma of narcissistic abuse.
Upon graduation, Lori will continue on to pursue her Ph.D. degree in forensic psychology.