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November 21, 2023
CIVS Researchers Gain Practical Knowledge through Site Visits and Training
During 2023, CIVS faculty, staff, and students had several site visits at the steel plants of our SMSVC member companies to gain practical knowledge of ironmaking and steelmaking processes.
November 20, 2023
PNW CIVS and Partners Kickoff Event for $10 million DOE grant
PNW CIVS, along with industrial, education, federal, and elected leaders, gathered on Oct. 11 to recognize a significant grant of nearly $10 million from the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)’s Industrial Efficiency and Decarbonization Office (IEDO) to support the Development and Demonstration of an Industrial Hydrogen-fired Steel Reheating Furnace (H2RF).
November 15, 2023
SMSVC Dinner Keynote on Decarbonization of Ironmaking and Steelmaking
Mr. David Forrest, Principal Technical Consultant at Nexight Group, representing the Department of Energy’s Industrial Efficiency & Decarbonization Office (IEDO), delivered a keynote speech at the SMSVC Annual Meeting dinner at PNW on Nov. 8th.
November 15, 2023
SMSVC Meeting Showcases State-of-the-Art Computational Models
Thank you to over 50 SMSVC industry attendees for a successful Annual Meeting on November 8 and 9, hosted at the CIVS facility at the Purdue University Northwest Hammond campus.
November 13, 2023
CIVS Participates in Rockport Works Family Day
On September 23rd, Cleveland Cliffs hosted Rockport Works Family Day at its facility on the Ohio River near Rockport, Indiana, which included a VR tour of the plant created by CIVS.
November 10, 2023
PNW CIVS Contributes to DOE Midwest Hydrogen Hub
The Midwest Alliance for Clean Hydrogen (MachH2) was selected for a $1 Billion Regional Clean Hydrogen Hub project by U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Clean Energy Demonstrations (OCED) as announced by President Biden on Oct. 13.
November 9, 2023
Guest Speaker Presents at CIVS Weekly Student Seminar
On October 13, CIVS students and staff attended the weekly student seminar in the Immersive Theater presented by guest speaker Dr. Sayanti Roy, Assistant Professor of Computer Science at Purdue Northwest.
November 7, 2023
CIVS Developed Underwater VR Lab Modules for an NSF-Funded STEM Project
CIVS researchers and students are working with The College of the Florida Keys staff and instructors to develop immersive underwater labs to enhance existing Marine Science and Technology courses through the NSF-sponsored DREAM STEM project (Developing Reliable Educational Avenues to STEM Careers).
November 6, 2023
CIVS contributes to new $19 million DOE center for decarbonization of steelmaking
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Science recently announced $19 million in funding over four years for DOE’s Argonne National Laboratory to lead the multi-institutional Center for Steel Electrification by Electrosynthesis (C-STEEL).
November 6, 2023
CIVS Collaborates with Carnegie Mellon to Decarbonize Iron and Steel Making
PNW CIVS is a sub-recipient of a new DOE grant on a project entitled “Scaling Hydrogen-Direct Reduced Iron Pathways to Decarbonize Iron and Steelmaking.”