Two CIVS Students Receive Master Degrees in Mechanical Engineering

September 2, 2020

CIVS Graduate Research Assistants Edwin A. Mosquera and Xiang Zhou recently received master degrees in Mechanical Engineering from PNW.  Edwin conducted his senior design project at CIVS for his B.S. degree in Mechanical Engineering.  His senior design experience with CIVS motivated him to pursue a master’s degree and jointed CIVS as a Research Assistant in August 2018.  His Master’s thesis is “Air-mist Spray Model Development in Steel Secondary Cooling Process” received positive feedbacks from the defense committee on May 1.

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Xiang joined PNW in his senior year from Central South University in China nad began to work at CIVS as a Graduate Research Assistant in Fall 2019. Xiang’s background in Materials and Metallurgy has led to the establishment of a new research area in the SMSVC primary cooling project. His Master’s thesis titled “Numerical Simulation of Dendrites Growth in Continuous Casting by using Open Source Software” focuses on the simulation of the nanoscopic crystal growth. Xiang’s research work is expected to provide fundamental insights into the origin of defects in steel products. Xiang completed his thesis defense on July 22 and will continue to pursue a Ph.D. degree in Nanyang Technological University.