John Luis Estrada Guayta Received PNW & AIST Awards

April 3, 2020

John Estrada with Chancellor Keon and Dean Holford after accepting the student excellence award

Congratulations to CIVS Research Assistant John Luis Estrada Guayta! John was honored on March 6 with the Outstanding Graduate Student Service Award for his commitment and dedication to the development and growth of PNW student community.  John was also a winner of the 2020 Association of Iron and Steel Technology (AIST) Real Steel Student Video Contest.

His video is entitled “Empowering the Steel Industry-Inspiring the Next Generation of Engineers.” (

The award that John won is an annual recurring award at PNW for student excellence that is awarded to a single student and is also rewarded a scholarship.

John is pursuing his Master of Science in Computer Engineering at PNW.  He started to do research at CIVS in his senior year.  In addition to his excellent performance in research projects, he has demonstrated leadership skills.  “As a lifetime student at PNW, my passion has been helping the student community. The time I have spent working on projects, organizations, competitions, and as a research leader allowed me to achieve this remarkable goal in my life. I couldn’t have achieved this without the support of my mentor, friends, and people that appreciate my work”

The goal of the AIST Video contest is to challenge students to research the steel industry and produce a three-minute original video that educates viewers on “The Steel Industry — the Best Playground to Begin Your Engineering Career.” The video needed to include at least two of the following key components:

·        Interview(s) with recent engineering graduates who are employed in the steel industry, and applying what they learned in school.

·        Examples of creative engineering that is shaping the modern steel industry.

·        Unique or unusual steel engineering applications that are fun.

·        Advancements in steel that are beneficial for the environment.

John Estrada with the thumbnail of the AIST video he made for this year's "Real Steel" contest

John Estrada with the thumbnail of the AIST video he made for this year’s “Real Steel” contest