NLMK-Indiana Representative Presents EAF Processes at CIVS Seminar

On January 5, 2024, Steve Ryan, Manager of Process Technology at NLMK-Indiana, presented “EAF Practice and Evolution – Where We Are, How We Got Here, and Where We Are Going.” to CIVS research students, staff, and faculty in the Immersive Theater during the Friday student seminars held every semester.
The seminar was incredibly clear and informative, starting with the background of EAF development and then delving into its specific operations and material selection. Steve is very experienced, and his help was invaluable to our EAF project.
In his presentation, Steve gave an overview of Electric Arc Furnace (EAF) history and highlighted the importance and growth of EAF for steel production in the United States. He detailed EAF basic components, EAF Types, process and chemistry basics, scrap quality, and supply. He also emphasized the need for process optimization, utilization of EAF models, and new technologies. Steve also talked about the current strategies and future directions of CO2 mitigation.
The seminar was important because it clarified EAF processes and their classifications. I was able to get a concise grasp of fundamental concepts and expand my understanding of the historical significance of the industry’s process changes.
NLMK Indiana operates an electric arc furnace, a ladle metallurgy furnace, and a continuous slab caster and converts slabs into coils in its hot strip mill. NLMK North America is a member of the Steel Manufacturing Simulation and Visualization Consortium (SMSVC). Since 2016, CISV has worked with NLMK and other SMSVC member companies to develop a comprehensive, integrated EAF CFD model with various simulators for different stages of EAF operations, such as preheating, melting, and refining. It has been used to simulate the whole EAF process and individual stages of EAF operations and provided fundamental insights and practical guidance to resolve several operation issues.