11 CIVS Students Received PNW Undergraduate Research Grant

March 10, 2022
EAF Model

Congratulations to all CIVS Senior Design teams for receiving the PNW Undergraduate Research Grant in March 2022! As shown in the table below, 11 students are awarded URG to support their future research work. They will participate in the Days of Discovery 2022, which will be held on April 7, and submit a final report to present their research findings afterward.

PNW Undergraduate Research Grant is a grant available to all PNW undergraduate students in all fields of study, providing funding of up to $300 for individual projects and up to $600 for research expenses for group projects. The project that is eligible must be completed before the student’s graduation or December 31, 2022 (whichever comes first). Research should be conducted independent of a required course (excluding Independent Research courses). Upon completion of the studies, students must submit a Final Report, which will describe the research activities, funds used, and outcomes (presentations, etc.) from the work.