CIVS Virtual Fall Orientation and Operation Update

August 18, 2020
Logo: Center for Innovation through Visualization and Simulation

The CIVS Staff hosted a virtual fall semester orientation for all of our student workers and research assistants on August 17. We had over 30 attendees to review CIVS policies and procedures, as well as the importance of following all return-to-school COVID-19 protocols. The orientation was completed through Zoom, which our staff has found very useful to keep everyone safe and healthy and continue with our research. We kick-off every semester with this orientation meeting to introduce new faces, review the center’s expectations, and motivate students to learn research methodologies and to conduct productive research projects.

CIVS has been in virtual operation since March due to COVID 19. Our team uses Discord to communicate while working remotely. CIVS finds this platform very effective.  We have being used it to create multiple channels for sending direct or group messages.  Multiple virtual meeting rooms and offices have also created to host internal meetings with video and screen sharing.  We have also been utilizing Zoom and WebEx to host virtual meetings with our collaborators.  CIVS is also using Zoom to host CIVS seminars at 11 a.m. on Fridays.