CIVS Presents a 360 Video Workshop at Charter Steel and See the Annealing Furnace

April 2, 2020

John Moreland prepares to begin his presentation on 360 video workflow and usages

On January 30th, 2020, a visit to Charter Steel in Saukville, WI, promoted technical exchange between members of Charter’s safety team and CIVS staff members, and provided a tour to PNW senior design students working on project with the company.

CIVS Senior Research Scientist John Moreland and Research Engineer Kyle Toth hosted a workshop with Charter Steel team members on 360 video and potential use cases. Additionally, PNW senior design students Hua You and Xinyu Zhu, accompanied by CIVS Senior Research Engineer Tyamo Okosun, were provided a tour of the Charter Steel facility and had technical discussion with Charter engineers on aspects of their senior design thermal stress and fatigue modeling project, “Design of a Steel Annealing Furnace Rack.” The project, which is investigating the impacts of thermal cycling and design on the longevity of support racks used inside a steel annealing furnace, is being overseen by CIVS Director Chenn Zhou. Results for the research project are scheduled for presentation at the end of the semester.


CIVS Senior Design students Hua You and Xinyu Zhu outside the guest check-in before the tour of the facility

CIVS Senior Design students Hua You and Xinyu Zhu outside the guest check-in before the tour of the facility