A student pipes liquid into a test tube. They are wearing a white lab coat and green safety goggles.

Department of Chemistry and Physics

With a focus on chemistry, physics and the physical sciences, we prepare you for a career in today’s technical workforce or for postgraduate success.

Academic Programs

Our rigorous programs bring real-world experience to the classroom, building the knowledge you need to succeed.


I am very happy to have been a graduate of PNW. I have many experiences, formed lasting friendships, and took the combined advice from of my professors and mentors and used it as a guide for my career, and will continue to do so in the future.


a student in a lab coat and classes work with test tubes

Student Resources


Students have opportunities for participating in significant, faculty-mentored research beginning in the sophomore year. Most present their data at research conferences and publish alongside faculty.

neeti parashar

Faculty Research

Premier Collaborations

Our faculty are engaged in a wide range of disciplinary and interdisciplinary research, including NSF-funded high energy physics collaborations with Fermilab and CERN.

a professor looks through shelves

Outstanding Faculty


You will find yourself immersed in an innovative learning environment with faculty who are PNW’s “Star Teachers” and teaching-award winners.

News & Announcements

A white lion statue

Purdue University Northwest students earn fall 2024 Dean’s List honors

The Purdue University Northwest (PNW) 2024 fall semester Dean’s List recognizes 1,726 undergraduate students for their academic achievements.

A PNW student crosses the stage with her degree

Purdue University Northwest Graduates Encouraged to Commit to Themselves and Their Dreams

Purdue University Northwest celebrated summer and fall 2024 graduates during two ceremonies held Saturday, Dec. 14. A total of 650 candidates were recognized for not only their commitment to academic excellence, but also their grit exhibited through student leadership, community service and extracurricular involvement.

Meden Isaac-Lam

PNW Chemistry professor collaborates abroad with microplastics research

Meden Isaac-Lam, professor of Chemistry at PNW, is creating awareness and researching solutions, both at PNW and abroad, on the negative effects of microplastics on the environment.

Upcoming Chemistry and Physics Events

Mar 12

Spring 2025 Career Expo

The Purdue Northwest Spring Career Expo is a career fair for students and alumni who are seeking full-time employment and internships across all industries and academic majors.

Mar 17

Spring Break Week

Enjoy your Spring Break! Classes resume Monday, March 24.

Mar 23

2025 “Best of the Region” Voting Deadline

The Times of Northwest Indiana has opened the polls to vote in the 2025 Best of the Region contest. Please take the time to vote for PNW!

Mar 24

Fall 2025 Priority Registration Begins

Register for classes during Priority Registration to get the best selection of class days and times!