Chancellor Keon Video Update: A Future Ahead

April 3, 2020
Chancellor Thomas Keon addresses campus in a video update

Hello PNW! I want to take this opportunity after two weeks of work after spring break to thank everybody—faculty, students and staff—for all that you’re doing and for the amazing patience you’ve had during this period.

I know that many, many people are working virtually. As I spend much of my day Zooming, I know that many of you are on Blackboard, Brightspace or maybe on Zoom as well. Please know that there are many staff members that are working diligently. There’s much for us to do.

As I sit in my office, I can see 20 vehicles in the parking lot outside. These are people who continue to work on our Nils K. Nelson Bioscience Innovation Building. I bring this up in part because it gives us hope. It lets us see that there is a day ahead of us that’s different than sitting at home maybe studying, maybe being a little bored, or maybe playing games on your computer or on your phone. There is a future ahead of us.

For our students, I’d like you to keep in mind that there are great opportunities to get advising virtually, as well as an opportunity to register. For people who started fall 2018 or thereafter, MyPNW plan is available to you. This service allows you to take a look at what you’ve taken towards your degree and what you still need to take. It can help you think through what you want to register for this coming fall.

There are many of you who can take advantage of financial aid, but to do that, we know you have to do the Free Application for Federal Student Aid, or FAFSA. We need you to work with your parents. Believe it or not, half of our students that are eligible to get aid just are not filling out the FAFSA in order to be able to be eligible.

On campus, there are very few people, there’s an opportunity if you wish to go to the Student Union and Library Building on the Hammond campus. On the Westville campus, there’s an opportunity for you to go and use computers in the Library-Student-Faculty Building.

There are many things that are available to you virtually too. If you need some counseling help, the Counseling Center is available. Your student advocate is available in the Dean of Students office. And of course, your faculty are available. I know that they are making a significant effort to work with you and give you the best opportunity to complete this semester successfully.

We wish you all the best. We’ve been planning, and we hope that we’ll see you all in the fall.

Chancellor Thomas L. Keon