Book Clubs

See what the Center for Faculty Excellence is reading during Spring 2025!

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A Pedagogy of Kindness

Book Club Facilitator: Emily Hixon, Director of the Center for Faculty Excellence

Book Club Facilitator: Meghan Cook, Asst. Director of the Center for Faculty Excellence

Pedagogy of Kindness book cover. Multiple open umbrellas.

Book Author: Catherine J. Denial

Book Description (Excerpted from Amazon):

Academia is not, by and large, a kind place. Individualism and competition are what count. But without kindness at its core, Catherine Denial suggests, higher education fails students and instructors—and its mission—in critical ways. Part manifesto, part teaching memoir, part how-to guide, A Pedagogy of Kindness urges higher education to get aggressive about instituting kindness, which Denial distinguishes from niceness. Having suffered beneath the weight of just “getting along,” instructors need to shift every part of what they do to prioritizing care and compassion—for students as well as for themselves. A Pedagogy of Kindness articulates a fresh vision for teaching, one that focuses on ensuring justice, believing people, and believing in people. Offering evidence-based insights and drawing from her own rich experiences as a professor, Denial offers practical tips for reshaping syllabi, assessing student performance, and creating trust and belonging in the classroom. Her suggestions for concrete, scalable actions  outline nothing less than a transformational discipline—one in which, together, we create bright new spaces, rooted in compassion, in which all engaged in teaching and learning might thrive.

Book Club Meeting Dates (Two Options)

  • In-person Book Club
    • Feb 12, 2 to 3:30 p.m., in-person only, TBD, Hammond
    • March 12, 2 to 3:30 p.m., in-person only, TBD, Hammond
    • April 9, 2 to 3:30 p.m., in-person only, TBD, Hammond
  • Virtual Book Club
    • Feb 13, 9 to 10:30 a.m., virtual only
    • March 13, 9 to 10:30 a.m., virtual only
    • April 10, 9 to 10:30 a.m., virtual only

Books Read in Previous Book Clubs

Revisit the books that the Center for Faculty Excellence has used in previous book clubs.