Center Faculty Excellence
- Events
- Center Faculty Excellence
Calendar of Events
M Mon
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1 event,
LEAP Indiana Digital Coffee Hour – Increasing Empathy Utilizing Learner Experience Design
LEAP Indiana Digital Coffee Hour – Increasing Empathy Utilizing Learner Experience Design
Learn about how you can design your courses to increase empathy, which is critical with the instructional shifts required for COVID.
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Faculty Forum – Language Classes
Faculty Forum – Language Classes
Instructors who teach language courses will gather to discuss the challenges of learning another language in hybrid and online environments.
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Faculty Forum – Laboratory Classes
Faculty Forum – Laboratory Classes
Disciplines that offer laboratory experiences will gather to discuss specific challenges in Science courses such as (but not limited to) chemistry, physics, geology, and biology that complement student learning with a structured, applied experience in the lab. Accomplishing this in a virtual setting is a unique challenge.
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Faculty Forum – Performance Arts
Faculty Forum – Performance Arts
This forum seeks colleagues who are involved with disciplines such as theatre, dance, and music. Instruction in the performing arts involve physical spaces and interactions that present challenges in hybrid and online environments, and instructors will have the opportunity to receive collegial support in these areas.
1 event,
Faculty Book Club Meeting
Faculty Book Club Meeting
This is a meeting of the The Sun Does Shine: How I Found Life and Freedom on Death Row One Book One University Book Selection for 2020-2021 Fall 2020 Faculty Book Club.
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Faculty Book Club Meeting
Faculty Book Club Meeting
This is a meeting of the Small Teaching Online: Applying Learning Science in Online Classes - Option 1 Fall 2020 Faculty Book Club.
Faculty Forum – First-Year Experience and Co-Curricular Learning
Faculty Forum – First-Year Experience and Co-Curricular Learning
This forum will be offered for both faculty and staff who engage with first-year students on campus or other orientation-style programs. Creating a sense of belonging and offering a variety of student engagement opportunities will be discussed.
2 events,
Faculty Book Club Meeting
Faculty Book Club Meeting
This is a meeting of the Small Teaching Online: Applying Learning Science in Online Classes - Option 2 Fall 2020 Faculty Book Club.
Fall 2020 Virtual Pedagogy Circle Meeting
Fall 2020 Virtual Pedagogy Circle Meeting
Open to all faculty, join your colleagues for the Fall 2020 Pedagogy Circle virtual meeting to discuss the challenges of adapting course contents to the pandemic and protest movements.
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1 event,
Engaging Learners in Synchronous Zoom Class Sessions
Engaging Learners in Synchronous Zoom Class Sessions
Teaching synchronously via Zoom is new for all of us, and there’s lots we are learning about what works (and doesn’t work) to make Zoom class sessions engaging for students. This workshop will introduce and model ideas for how to structure synchronous class sessions and use various tools and techniques to enhance student engagement and […]
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LEAP Indiana Digital Coffee Hour – Impacting Inclusivity
LEAP Indiana Digital Coffee Hour – Impacting Inclusivity
Learn about an inclusivity certificate program implemented at Marian University.
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Research Work Sprint
Research Work Sprint
Teaching synchronously via Zoom is new for all of us, and there’s lots we are learning about what works (and doesn’t work) to make Zoom class sessions engaging for students. This workshop will introduce and model ideas for how to structure synchronous class sessions and use various tools and techniques to enhance student engagement and learning.
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