Calendar of Events
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Work Sprint
Work Sprint
Do you need to set aside time to work on your research? Or do you have other work you need to complete? Perhaps completing a task for a research project, grading, recording/creating course content, reading? Would having some focused time to work on it help?
2 events,
LEAP Indiana Virtual Prof. Dev. Speaker – Sarah Silverman
LEAP Indiana Virtual Prof. Dev. Speaker – Sarah Silverman
Join colleagues from across the state to learn more about neurodiversity as it applies to higher education.
Work Sprint
Work Sprint
Do you need to set aside time to work on your research? Or do you have other work you need to complete? Perhaps completing a task for a research project, grading, recording/creating course content, reading? Would having some focused time to work on it help?
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1 event,
Work Sprint
Work Sprint
Do you need to set aside time to work on your research? Or do you have other work you need to complete? Perhaps completing a task for a research project, grading, recording/creating course content, reading? Would having some focused time to work on it help?
1 event,
Promotion & Tenure Peer Support Network Meeting
Promotion & Tenure Peer Support Network Meeting
Whether you are just starting your promotion and/or tenure journey or nearing a milestone, we welcome you to join us in this supportive community.
1 event,
Work Sprint
Work Sprint
Do you need to set aside time to work on your research? Or do you have other work you need to complete? Perhaps completing a task for a research project, grading, recording/creating course content, reading? Would having some focused time to work on it help?
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1 event,
Midwest SoTL Conference Proposal Due Date
Submit a proposal to present at Midwest SoTL conference hosted by Indiana University South Bend.