Return to Normal Operations on Jan. 22

Both Hammond and Westville campuses will return to normal operations on Wednesday, January 22.

See Updates on Campus Operations

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Faculty and Staff Book Club – The Power of Moments

Many of the defining moments in our lives are the result of accident or luck—but why would we leave our most meaningful, memorable moments to chance when we can create them? The Power of Moments shows us how to be the author of richer experiences.

Active Learning Workshop

Join your colleagues in learning how to apply Active Learning techniques in your classroom. Three sessions will be offered with a focus on general active learning for any classroom, STEM classroom and Large Classroom focus. Active Learning techniques will be demonstrated during each session and those attending will receive an Active Learning Toolkit that contains several of the items used in the demonstrations so you can begin using the techniques in your classroom.

Active Learning Workshop

Join your colleagues in learning how to apply Active Learning techniques in your classroom. Three sessions will be offered with a focus on general active learning for any classroom, STEM classroom and Large Classroom focus. Active Learning techniques will be demonstrated during each session and those attending will receive an Active Learning Toolkit that contains several of the items used in the demonstrations so you can begin using the techniques in your classroom.

First-gen Pride Microgrant Proposals Due

Submit a proposal for a First-gen Pride Microgrant to support your creative and innovative approaches for supporting PNW’s first-generation college students.

Thank-an-Educator Due Date

If an educator at PNW facilitated an unforgettable learning experience, take a moment and let them know. May 12 is the deadline for the Spring 2023 semester.

Part 1: Introduction to TILT Workshop

Learn about TILT and its benefits, as well as begin to use the TILT framework on example assignments. The same workshop will be offered multiple times to accommodate schedules; attend any workshop.

Writing Retreat

A Writing Retreat provides a focused block of time and supportive environment for you to commit to and have some level of accountability for accomplishing a research goal. There will be no planned programming, instead it will be a time for you to focus on your research/writing goals and hopefully be very productive! Participation can be in-person or virtually via ZOOM (link sent at registration).