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Beyond the Syllabus Workshop

In this workshop we examine the syllabus’ uses beyond just communicating course policies and procedures. We focus on how the syllabus can serve as a tool for advancing students’ sense of belonging, predict students’ success, and connect your own research to the course content.

Summer 2023 Faculty Book Club

Burnout, a mental health syndrome caused by chronic workplace stress, is endemic to higher education in a patriarchal, productivity-obsessed culture. In this unique book for women in higher education, Rebecca Pope-Ruark, PhD, draws from her own burnout experience, as well as collected stories of faculty in various roles and career stages, interviews with coaches and educational developers, and extensive secondary research to address and mitigate burnout. 

Increasing Access to Library Resources

Attend these virtual Brown Bag sessions to learn tips and tricks on how to access library resources and save time with your research.

How to Start the Semester Artfully: Teaching Tips for Week One

This workshop discusses and demonstrates teaching techniques that can be used in the first week of the semester to create a more inclusive and effective learning environment that fosters the creation of co-constructed learning norms and rules for course engagement.

Resource Fair

The Center for Faculty Excellence is hosting the Fall 2023 Resource Fair. Many departments from across campus will be sharing information about their programs and have information available for those in attendance. Please join us for a Grab 'N Go breakfast and learn what your colleagues are doing as we start another exciting academic year. 

Work Sprint

Do you need to set aside time to work on research? Or do you have other work you need to complete? If so, sign-up to participate in the Work Sprint! A Work Sprint provides a focused block of time and supportive environment for you to accomplish a task-specific goal.

Faculty Book Club

In a book written by and for college teachers, Kelly Hogan and Viji Sathy provide tips and advice on how to make all students feel welcome and included. They begin with a framework describing why explicit attention to structure enhances inclusiveness in both course design and interactions with and between students. Inclusive Teaching then provides practical ways to include more voices in a series of contexts: when giving instructions for group work and class activities, holding office hours, communicating with students, and more. The authors finish with an opportunity for the reader to reflect on what evidence to include in a teaching dossier that demonstrates inclusive practices.

Writing Retreat

A Writing Retreat provides a focused block of time and supportive environment for you to commit to and have some level of accountability for accomplishing a research goal. There will be no planned programming, instead it will be a time for you to focus on your research/writing goals and hopefully be very productive! There will be three offerings this semester with all being offered virtually. A link to the event will be sent after registration.

Purdue System-Wide Virtual Forum

The purpose of the Purdue System-Wide Forum 2023 is to debate the opportunities and challenges and think of strategic ways to lead the conversation on AI and its current as well as future trajectories.