For Faculty/Staff
In your role as faculty or staff, chances are that students will approach you with questions related to choosing majors, finding internships, applying to graduate school or landing jobs. Let the Career Center help you help students.
Enhance Your Curriculum
We can help you embed intentional career competency development within your syllabus. Whether you are instructing first-year students who are still unclear about their career path or you are working with upperclass students who have already begun weighing post-graduation options, the Career Center has developed tools that will allow your students to complement their strong academics with exceptional professional skills.

Class Presentations & Assignments
Schedule a presentation or complete an assignment request through our Career Center Collaboration Request Form.
*Student orgs must have faculty advisor complete the following form and have a guaranteed audience of at least 10 people if we are sending a guest speaker (i.e. employer).
- Career Center Overview
- Career Exploration (best for undecided students)
- What Can I Do With This Major?
- Navigating Handshake
- Making the Most of Your Internship
- Résumé / Cover Letter Writing
- Interview Preparation
- Job Search Skills / Soft Skills
- Job Search Ethics & Etiquette
- Other areas relevant to your course or students’ future careers
- Career Advising
- Alumni Connections
- Classroom Presentations
- Career Events
- Employer Engagement
- Handshake – internship and job portal
- Online Career Center – self-paced career development content in Brightspace
- What Can I Do With This Major?
- First Destination (Graduate Outcomes)
- Mock Interviewing Appointments (employers optional)
- Career expos (fairs)
- Company information sessions
- Application days
- On-campus interviews
- Employer-led, career-related / industry panels
- Industry-related networking nights & meet-ups
- Company table recruitment on campus
- Employer-led career preparation & readiness workshops
- Career-related focus groups
- Company site visits & field trips
Students can find information about these types of events and engagement by checking their student e-mail, looking at the events list in Handshake, and by viewing a list of our events on the Career Events page.
Letters of Reference
You often observe things like a student’s punctuality, ability to work with others and how they confront challenges. In a strong field of candidates, these insights may provide an employer with important information that a GPA and resume can’t always reflect.
Letters are particularly effective when they relate directly to the skills necessary for a specific job or position. This may require that you meet with the student to discuss the desired placement prior to writing your reference. And while you will naturally want to present a student in the best possible light, it is important to present factual information, based on your own observations.
According to the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE), if you are asked to provide a reference, you should also consider these questions:
- Who will see this information?
- Is the person asking for a reference entitled to that information?
- What is the purpose of the information?
- Is the information accurate?
- Is the information misleading?
Discrimination Laws and FERPA
While most employers will not ask you to provide information that they can’t lawfully request from the applicant, it is important to understand what information you can and cannot disclose. You can find additional resources through NACE, including: