Career Ready
The next part of your journey can set you apart from your competition as you articulate achieved career skills.
You Will…
- Continue to develop your professional identity through high-impact practices (i.e. internships, research, critical reflections, and more)
- Navigate negotiating and accepting job offers (i.e. overall compensation package)
- See how far your professional skills have grown
Employers like to see that students have engaged with high-impact practices, which allow students to:
- Invest time and effort
- Interact with faculty and peers
- Experience diversity
- Respond to more frequent feedback
- Reflect and integrate learning
- Discover the relevance of real-world learning in real-world applications
Continue involvement in these types of high-impact practices:
- First-year seminars and experiences
- Learning communities
- Writing-intensive courses
- Collaborative assignments and projects
- Undergraduate research
- Diversity/global learning
- Service-learning, community-based learning
- Internships
- Capstone courses and projects
The interview went well! Now, time to make sure you secure the best job offer that fits your professional needs. Here you will learn about successfully navigating being given an offer and responding to these offers in the ways that you need.
Utilize the Online Career Center for the ABCs of the negotiation process:
- Know your worth
- What’s in the offer
- Negotiate the offer
Here are your takeaways:
- Career Skills Inventory (post-test)
- Letter of recommendation from former supervisor on or off-campus or secured a LinkedIn recommendation
- Developing a growth mindset is critical to continued success and honing your professional identity