Bursar (Student Accounts)

The Office of the Bursar (Student Accounts) is here to assist with questions regarding tuition, fees, refunds, payment plans and other account-related matters.

We strive to offer efficient and courteous service to students and their families, faculty, staff and other PNW partners.

For PNW departments that receive income, we are responsible for reviewing and maintaining all departmental cash-handling plans and contributing to the development of cash-handling procedures.

Summer 2025 Payment Deadline

The final payment date for Summer classes is 4 p.m. Friday, June 20.

Students sit at desks in a classroom. They have laptops open in front of them

Tuition and Fees

Wondering how much your classes will cost? See all the details on PNW tuition and fees.

Calculate Your Tuition and Fees

Tuition and Fees Breakdown

Additional Resources

Two students walk together outside. There are trees and a parking lot behind them

Paying Your Bill

Explore PNW payment options, including convenient payment plans.

A student stands outside and smiles

Refunds & Deadlines

You may be eligible to receive a refund if you drop a class during the refund period or if you have excess financial aid.

Four students look at a laptop. Two students are sitting at a table and two are standing behind them

Tuition Insurance

GradGuard protects your school payments by reimbursing nonrefundable school costs after a midterm withdrawal for a covered illness, injury, psychological condition and more.

Mar 22

Scholarships Deadline

Be sure to apply for PNW scholarships before the extended deadline of March 22, 2025, for the 2025-26 academic year.

May 15

State Aid Deadline

PNW students, your FAFSA must be received by the Federal Processor by April 15, 2025 to be considered for most Indiana state aid.

May 19

Summer 2025 Session 1 Classes Begin

First day of Summer 2025 Session I Classes, including 12-week session, first six-week session and first four-week session.

Jun 13

First 4-week Module Classes End

Classes end that run the first four weeks of the Summer Session (May 19 to June 13).