Building Connections: Meet PNW Graduate Erik Krause

December 10, 2021
Erik Krause

The plan was originally for Eric Krause, ’21, to major in accounting. When he realized he was much better with people than numbers, the self-professed people person changed his course of study.

“When I really thought about my career path, I thought I’d much rather be talking to people for the rest of my career than having to deal with numbers,” says Krause. “I enjoy building connections with people and that’s what first attracted me to human resource management.”

A Stumbling Block

Unfortunately, the Momence, Ill., native’s college experience almost ended soon after it began. His grandfather, who encouraged him to get a college education, passed away while Krause was in his second year of school. While grieving, he started missing classes and contemplated leaving school to work full-time.

“It was probably the hardest thing I had to go through,” says Krause. “I eventually decided to honor my grandfather by completing the path he set me on. He was very big on me going to college, getting a degree and building a life for myself.”

I wanted smaller class sizes, professors who knew me and cared about my education, a community atmosphere on campus and a healthy learning environment. Purdue Northwest made that happen for me.

Erik Krause, ‘21, Human Resource Management

On the Right Path

One of the main reasons Krause chose to attend PNW is being accepted into the Honors College, and he credits it with enriching his college experience. “The Honors College is a very close-knit community,” says Krause. “We participate in events together and support each other. It definitely was a big part of my college journey.” As part of the Honors College, he served as a student government senator.

Krause was also an ambassador for the College of Business. He is proudest of the three years he spent as a peer mentor. “My freshman year I had a peer mentor,” explains Krause. “He did such a great job, he helped me get involved and pushed me to go to events. He made me want to help other students the same way.” Krause acknowledges his experience as peer mentor cemented his decision to study human resource management.

Looking back on his decision to attend PNW, Krause is positive he made the right choice. “Some of the universities I visited were way too big – classes with a hundred students, that’s not what I was looking for in a college experience,” he says. “I wanted smaller class sizes, professors who knew me and cared about my education, a community atmosphere on campus and a healthy learning environment. Purdue Northwest made that happen for me.”

Krause was happy to leave future PNW students with a little helpful advice. “Give your all in everything you do. Seek out your passions and pursue them, that way no one can claim you didn’t live your life to the fullest,” he said.

After being married in December, Krause will begin his position as a supervisor at ArcBest Transport Company. He hopes to one day work in a senior leadership position at the company. “I want to contribute to helping run the company in a productive and efficient manner,” he says

Who Inspired You?

Debbie Bachmann is pictured.Debbie Bachmann, Administrator of Honors Student Leadership and Programming

“She’s very passionate about what she does and it carries over to the students. She puts in a lot of work and it made me want to work harder too.”

David Richter is pictured.

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