Bell Tower Under Construction at Hammond Campus

November 23, 2021
Construction is progressing on a steel bell tower in the southwest part of PNW’s Hammond campus.

Construction is progressing on a steel bell tower in the southwest part of PNW’s Hammond campus.

What is that construction going on by Lawshe Hall? We can chime in and give the details.

Several years of planning from different groups associated with PNW, from students to senior leadership, have helped make the project possible.

The bell tower concept originated out of a capstone project from the College of Technology, which was furthered along with the help of PNW’s Student Government. The proposal was eventually presented to Chancellor Thomas L. Keon, who supported the idea and worked to help turn the dream into reality.

“We’re really eager to have a visual landmark,” Matt Wells, executive director of Strategic Partnerships and Engagement and Legislative Liaison, says. “Most universities have a carillon or bell tower. It’s going to be a nice central gathering point next to the Nils. K Nelson Bioscience Innovation Building. It’s a testament to the innovation, passion and pride students have for the university.”

The bell tower will be constructed with steel I-beams of various sizes to create a “mountain peak” image. Steel was originally proposed as an homage to Northwest Indiana’s industrial heritage. Several benches will stand at the beams’ base. A fixture on top will hold an electric aluminum bell.

A majority of construction materials are donated. Construction is hoped to be finished in 2022 and in time for spring commencement, Wells says.

“What the students designed was excellent,” he says. “There was little extra work that needed to be done. When you do things like this with a lot of stakeholders, the end result is really satisfying.”

Several steel beams were installed Tuesday morning as construction continues on a long anticipated campus bell tower.

Several steel beams were installed Tuesday morning as construction continues on a long anticipated campus bell tower.

Cement was applied Nov. 9 for the base of a new bell tower on the Hammond campus. The structure will be located by the Student Union and Library Building, the Nils K. Nelson Bioscience Innovation Building, and Lawshe Hall.

Cement was applied Nov. 9 for the base of a new bell tower on the Hammond campus. The structure will be located by the Student Union and Library Building, the Nils K. Nelson Bioscience Innovation Building, and Lawshe Hall.

Larson-Danielson construction workers smooth out freshly poured cement for the base of a new bell tower on Nov. 9.

Larson-Danielson construction workers smooth out freshly poured cement for the base of a new bell tower on Nov. 9.

Cement is poured Nov. 9 for the new base of a bell tower on the Hammond campus.

Cement is poured Nov. 9 for the new base of a bell tower on the Hammond campus.

Steel beams and pieces for a new bell tower on the Hammond campus lay on the ground awaiting installment.

Steel beams and pieces for a new bell tower on the Hammond campus lay on the ground awaiting installment.

An overhead view shows the new Hammond campus bell tower’s position at the southwest part of the campus. The tower is nearby the Student Union and Library Building, the Nils K. Nelson Bioscience Innovation Building, and Lawshe Hall.

An overhead view shows the new Hammond campus bell tower’s position at the southwest part of the campus. The tower is nearby the Student Union and Library Building, the Nils K. Nelson Bioscience Innovation Building, and Lawshe Hall.

Larson-Danielson construction workers smooth out freshly poured concrete on Nov. 9 as they mold the base for a new campus bell tower.

Larson-Danielson construction workers smooth out freshly poured concrete on Nov. 9 as they mold the base for a new campus bell tower.