COD to PNW Transfer Guide: Construction Engineering and Management Technology

This is a transfer guide for College of DuPage students planning on transferring to the Construction Engineering and Management Technology within the College of Technology at PNW.


Current PNW students pose in front of the Nils K. Nelson Bioscience Innovation Building.


College of DuPage (COD) to PNW Articulation Agreement

A.S. in Construction Management to B.S. in Construction Engineering & Management Technology

This articulation agreement provides a smooth curriculum transition with minimal loss of credit and duplication of coursework to facilitate the completion of the Associate of Science in Construction Management (CM) program at COD and the Bachelors of Science in Construction Engineering & Management Technology (CEMT) program at PNW.

To use this agreement students must apply and be admitted to PNW and to the B.S. CEMT program. COD students will receive equal consideration with other students seeking admission and financial aid. COD students are eligible for admission with junior standing once they:

  • have complete the Associate of Science degree in CM;
  • been admitted to PNW;
  • have earned a course grade of “C” or better on every course accepted for transfer; and
  • have achieved a 2.0 or greater cumulative GPA based on a 4-point scale.

Transferrable Credits Guide

College of DuPage CoursesPurdue University Northwest Courses

General Education Core

General Education Core

Course NumberCourse NameCourse CreditsCourse NumberCourse NameCourse Credits
SPEEC 1100Fundamentals of Speech Comm.3COM 11400Fundamentals of Speech Communication3
ENG 1101English Composition I3ENGL 10400English Composition I3
ENG 1105
Workplace Writing3ENGL 22000Tech Report Writing3
ACCOU 2140Financial Accounting3ACC 20000Intro Financial Accounting3
MATH 1431Pre-Calculus3MA 14700Algebra & Trig. for Tech. I3
MATH 1635Statistics3STAT 30100Elem Statistical Methods3
PHIL 1114Business Ethics3Humanities Elective3
PHYS 1201General Physics I4PHY 22000General Physics4
General Education Elective 2 – Lab
Science Elective
3Lab Science Elective3
Total General Education Core Credits28Total General Education Core Credits28

Technical/Professional Core

Technical/Professional Core

ARCH 1301Intro to Construction Management3CEMT 10300Intro. to Const. Mgmt.3
ARCH 2150Basic Surveying
3CEMT 11200Surveying Fundamentals3
ARCH 1211Basic Computer-Aided Drafting –
3CEMT 11700Construction Graphics3
ARCH 1111Building Materials3CEMT 17000Materials & Systems of Const.
ARCH 1130 &
ARCH 2413
Blueprint Reading & BIM Management-
3CEMT 22200Architectural Construction3
ARCH 2210Mechanical, Electrical & Plumb Systems3CEMT 23000Mechanical & Electrical Systems3
ARCH 2240Codes, Specifications, and Contracts3CEMT 27600Construction Specifications
& Contracts
MANAG 1100
& MANUF 2280
Supervision & Industrial Safety3CEMT 34000Fund. of Construction Safety3
ARCH 2260Construction Estimating3CEMT 34201Construction Costs & Bidding
ARCH 2270Scheduling3CEMT 45000Construction Scheduling3
Total Technical/ Professional Core Credits30Total Technical/ Professional Core Credits30
Total Credits (All)58Total Credits (All)58

Sample Degree Map: Remaining Course Requirements to Be Taken at Purdue University Northwest


Semester 5 (16 credits)

  • CEMT 16001 Statics (3cr)
  • CEMT 25300 Hydraulics & Drainage (3cr)
  • MA 16019 Applied Calculus I for Tech (4cr)
  • CEMT 34101 Construction Operations (3cr)
  • CEMT Elective (CEMT 30600 or any CSOL approved grad course) (3cr)

Semester 6 (15 credits)

  • CEMT 26600 Materials Testing (3cr)
  • CEMT 28100 Structural Calculations (3cr)
  • CEMT 20900 Land Surveying & Subdivision (3cr)
  • CEMT 26001 Strength of Materials (3cr)
  • MA 14800 Algebra & Trig for Tech II or MA 15400 Algebra & Trig I (3cr)

Semester 7 (16 credits)

  • CEMT 32500 Structural Applications (3cr)
  • CEMT 33100 Properties & Behavior of Soils (3cr)
  • CEMT 38000 Concrete Construction (3cr)
  • COM Elect Communications Elective 300 level and above (3cr)
  • CEMT 48900 Senior Project Survey (1cr)
  • Social Science Elective (3cr)

Semester 8 (15 credits)

  • CEMT Elective (CEMT 4940 or any CSOL approved grad course) (3cr)
  • CEMT 34400 Construction Inspection (3cr)
  • CEMT 44500 Construction Management (3cr)
  • CEMT 49000 (EXL) Senior Project (3cr)
  • CEMT Elective (CEMT 30900 or any CSOL approved grad course) (3cr)

Total Credits to be taken at PNW: 62

For information and assistance on transfer admission, contact PNW Admissions at or (219) 989-2213. Apply online at

If a student does not complete the program within seven years, they may be required to have their credits reevaluated using the requirements of the current articulation guide.

Learn More
Nathan Elizalde

Nathaniel Elizalde

Assistant Director of Admissions - Transfer Specialist

(219) 989-2297