Transfer Single Articulation Pathways

Students in select majors can complete an associate’s degree at an Indiana community college and transfer as a junior into a related field at Purdue Northwest. Credits earned for your TSAP associate’s degree will apply toward your PNW bachelor’s degree!

Who Is Eligible?

If you have completed a TSAP associate degree from an Indiana two-year college (Ivy Tech or Vincennes), you are eligible to continue in the companion TSAP bachelor’s degree program. While you are not required to do so, the TSAP program guarantees that you can finish your degree on time within two years of full-time study.

It is important to ensure you are enrolled in the relevant TSAP program and not just taking classes in the area of study. The TSAP pathway is what helps us accept your courses in bulk.

In 2013, the Indiana legislature required that state colleges and universities establish requirements for a Statewide Transfer General Education Core of at least 30 credit hours and to develop a set of Transfer Single Articulation Pathways (TSAP) which allow students to fully transfer certain associate degrees as the first two years of instruction toward a companion bachelor’s degree.

For more information view “Transfer Single Articulation Pathways” on the TransferIN webpage.

PNW students talk in a classroom

Purdue Northwest TSAP Programs

Listed below are the current TSAP programs offered at Purdue University Northwest. We invite you to explore these pathways, view the recommended course sequences within the transfer guides and work closely with your advisor to plan your educational future.

In addition to meeting any criteria listed in these agreements, students must meet PNW’s transfer criteria for their desired major.

Get In Touch
Nathan Elizalde

Nathaniel Elizalde

Assistant Director of Admissions - Transfer Specialist

(219) 989-2297