University College
Still deciding which path is right for you? We understand. PNW’s University College offers a supportive space and close-knit community to explore what’s next.
Academic Programs
At PNW, our rigorous degree programs bring real-world experience to the classroom, building the knowledge you need to succeed.
Find Your Right Fit
Purdue Northwest’s University College is a home for students entering PNW who have not decided on or declared a major. Join a community of incoming students and meet supportive faculty and advisors who will help you decide which program is the best fit!
You Can Expect To…
- Partner with an advisor to explore PNW’s 70+ areas of study, finding one that’s right for you.
- Receive the guidance you need for a successful transition to college, including scholarships and financial aid.
- Embrace campus life, from making friends at PNW’s Welcome Week to exploring clubs or intramural sports
University College Frequently Asked Questions
Explore common questions about PNW’s University College and learn more about your path ahead!
Not at all. It’s common for incoming college students to be undecided on a major. In addition, many students need to complete requirements for admission to certain degree programs.
At PNW, approximately 30% to 40% of incoming students begin their first year as either undecided students or as students who are not directly admitted to a degree program.
- Meet with First-Year Advisors Our team of first-year advisors will help you explore your interests, guiding you toward courses and majors that offer the best fit.
- Attend University College Activities Watch your PNW email for opportunities to have fun on campus and get to know your fellow University College students.
When you feel ready to declare a major, your first-year advisor will help you make sure you meet all necessary requirements. Not all degree programs are structured the same, as some may require specific GPAs or subject prerequisites.
After declaring a major, your program will fall under one of PNW’s five programmatic colleges: