Academic Dishonesty Reports

Purdue University Northwest Staff Portraits
Dear PNW Students,
The Office of the Dean of Students is investigating reports of an individual in an unofficial PNW Snapchat group who is offering to take tests and complete homework for other students. PNW does not tolerate any form of academic dishonesty. Engaging in such conduct, or failing to report it, is a violation of the PNW Code of Conduct and will result in sanctions up to and including suspension, expulsion, or degree revocation.
Any students with knowledge of the individual, or of students who have engaged in dishonesty by using their services or other services, should make a report immediately to the Office of the Dean of Students at or (219) 989-4141. Anonymous reports may be made via the Incident Report Form.
Colin D. Fewer, Ph.D.
Associate Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs & Dean of Students