
Looking for official PNW policies? See them below, from the student bill of rights to campus parking.

Policy Listing


Acceptable Use of IT Resources and Information Assets
See the guidelines governing acceptable use of Purdue information assets and IT resources.

Alcohol and Drug-Free Campus and Workplace Policy
See the comprehensive policy aimed at providing a safe and healthful campus and workplace.

Anti-Harassment Policy (Non Title IX)
See guidelines governing harassment and intolerance in the university community.

COVID-19 Preparedness
To keep our students, faculty, staff, and community safe, all members of the campus community are required by the university to follow the current health and safety protocols as outlined on the PNW and Coronavirus website.

Data Governance Policy
Purdue University Northwest’s Data Governance Policy outlines a multi-pronged approach addressing the definition, production and usage of data to manage risk and improve the quality and usability of the data.

Email Policy
See policies and regulation for the usage of official university email accounts.

Emergency and Evacuation Procedures
PNW is committed to maintaining up-to-date emergency and evacuation procedures and ensuring that all segments of the university community are aware of the appropriate actions to take in case of an emergency.

Equal Opportunity, Equal Access and Affirmative Action
See university guidelines addressing diversity and discrimination.

Ethics Statement 
See an overarching declaration informing conduct, enforcement and accountability.

Free Speech and Open Expression Policy
See guidelines that facilitate robust debate and the free exchange of ideas at Purdue University Northwest

Mass Email Distribution Acceptable Use Policy
See guidelines governing the use of distribution lists to large groups at PNW.

Nondiscrimination Policy Statement
See the official university statement regarding diversity and discrimination.

Operating Procedures for Programs Involving Minors
See guidelines for making safety the highest priority for programs and activities involving minors as participants.

Parking Regulations and Enforcement
See the guidelines governing campus parking, from fines to traffic regulations.

Persona Non Grata
See guidelines and a listing of individuals unacceptable or unwelcome on Purdue University Northwest campuses.

Policy on Amorous Relationships
See guidelines governing amorous relationships for students, faculty and staff.

Public Posting Policy and Locations
Several public display boards, kiosks, and areas are available on campus and will be labeled as such.  Be advised all public display areas will be cleared at the end of each semester.

Regulations Regarding Retailing, Commercial Soliciting, Canvassing, Sponsorship and Marketing Activities on the Campuses of Purdue University (IV.B.3)
Retailing, commercial solicitation, canvassing, sponsorship, and marketing activities of any product or service on campus is generally prohibited, except for the provisions contained in the policy above.

Smoke Free Policy
In order to promote a healthy learning and work environment, the Hammond and Westville campuses of Purdue University Northwest are total smoke and tobacco free environments.

Undergraduate Course Section Cancellation Policy and Procedure
See guidelines and deadlines for canceling undergraduate courses and communicating changes to students.

Use of Facilities (Policy IV.B.1)
See guidelines for the disposition, method and purpose of use of property owned, used or occupied by Purdue University, including the governance of travel over and the assembly upon the property of Purdue University.


Academic Regulations
The academic regulations section of the academic catalog addresses topics such as academic standing, grading scale, student classification and more.

Academic Integrity Policy
See the policy and procedures for appeals of alleged academic dishonesty.

Bill of Student Rights
See our commitment to student rights, freedom of expression and open inquiry.

Grade Appeals Policy
See the official procedures for student grade appeals at PNW.

Grief Absence Policy for Students
See the rights for students facing the loss of a family member.

Military Service Excusal Policy
See the rights for students required by their military contract to attend mandatory training

Student Code of Conduct
See the regulations governing student conduct, disciplinary proceedings and appeals.

Student Complaint Policy
See the process for submitting a complaint to the office of the Dean of Students.


Emergency Guide
Recognizing signs of psychological or emotional distress and knowing how to respond effectively can help you advocate for students.

Procedures for the Appointment of New Limited Term Lecturers
See guidelines summarizing the procedures for hiring limited-term lecturers.


Comprehensive Five-Year Review Process for Deans at PNW
The performance of Deans at Purdue University Northwest will be subject to recurrent, formal, and comprehensive review at five-year increments which shall supplement the annual review process.