Faculty Resources
From promotion and tenure to Interfolio, explore resources for faculty at Purdue University Northwest.

Interfolio Resources
Interfolio is PNW’s enterprise-wide digital solution for faculty review, tenure and promotion and faculty annual review.

Faculty Promotion and Tenure
See official policies for granting academic promotion and tenure at Purdue University Northwest.

PNW Syllabus Template
Access the PNW syllabus template, which was approved by the Faculty Senate in Dec. 2021.
As you prepare your syllabi, keep in mind that the syllabus is often students’ first exposure to you and your class. Consider the tone it sets and how policies and expectations may impact students differently. See tips and sample syllabus statements for ideas about how to make your syllabus more inviting.
Opportunities for Faculty Recognition
Opportunity | Description | Timeline |
Promotion and Tenure | The promotion and tenure process is a reflection of a faculty member's entire academic career at PNW. Review toward progress is conducted annually; guidelines are universal for PNW. | Final packets due in early fall |
Faculty Annual Review | The annual review process is a reflection of a faculty member's performance over the previous calendar year (January-December) and is used in consideration for merit-based increases; guidelines are specific to each college within PNW and should include contributions to instruction, discovery, and engagement; review is performed by department chair or immediate academic unit head. | Materials submitted in mid-February |
Teaching Portfolio | The teaching portfolio is a section of the Faculty Annual Review and is submitted as the material that informs the evaluation of the element of instruction for the annual review. | Course evaluations made available in early January; materials submitted with annual review materials in mid-March |
TIP Award | Recognizes and incentivizes contributions to PNW in "Teaching Quality & Effectiveness and Continuing Commitment to and Innovation in Instruction; guidelines are universal to PNW; the process is voluntary; recipients receive an increase in base salary at the start of the following fiscal year; recipients may apply for another TIP award five years after the date of the most recent TIP award. | Program announced in early December by Chancellor |

From recruitment protocols to IR reports, see all the resources department chairs need with this Brightspace handbook.

Faculty International Engagement
We connect faculty, students, and staff to international teaching and research opportunities.

Purdue University Northwest uses the academic progress report as a tool to allow you to easily communicate feedback and identify students who are having academic challenges.
Curriculum Development Forms
See the procedures for the academic program creation/change form.
Micro-credentialing Proposal Form
See the procedures for the micro-credentialing proposal form.
Additional Policies
Academic Integrity Policy
See the policy and procedures for appeals of alleged academic dishonesty.
Acceptable Use of IT Resources and Information Assets
See the guidelines governing acceptable use of Purdue information assets and IT resources.
Classroom Disruption Policy
Maintaining the rights of faculty to teach and students to learn requires conditions that do not impede the learning process.
Email Policy
See policies and regulation for the usage of official university email accounts.
Emergency Guides and Procedures
PNW’s Campus Emergency Resource Team has emergency-response procedures and communication plans in place.
Free Speech and Open Expression Policy
See guidelines that facilitate robust debate and the free exchange of ideas at Purdue University Northwest
Grade Appeals Policy
See the official procedures for student grade appeals at PNW.
Grief Absence Policy for Students
See the rights for students facing the loss of a family member.
Military Service Excusal Policy
See the rights for students required by their military contract to attend mandatory training.
Student Code of Conduct
See the regulations governing student conduct, disciplinary proceedings and appeals.