Student Life
Spring 2025 Late Registration
Late registration is the first week of classes - January 13 to 17.
Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
There are no classes and campuses are closed.
Deadline to Apply to Graduate for Spring 2025
Speak with your academic advisor to make sure you are eligible to graduate and submit your application.
Founders Day 2025
Please join Purdue Northwest as we celebrate the dedicated service of faculty and staff at the ninth annual Founders Day celebration.
Fall 2025 Priority Registration Begins
Register for classes during Priority Registration to get the best selection of class days and times!
Last Day to Drop Spring 2025 Classes
Last day to drop Spring 2025 classes ends at 4:30 p.m. on Friday, April 11.
Spring 2025 Classes End
Spring 2025 Classes end Saturday, May 3. Final exams are next week!
Spring 2025 Final Exams
Spring 2025 final exams run May 5 through 10. Good luck on your finals!
Spring 2025 Commencement
Congratulations to PNW graduates! We look forward to celebrating with you at Commencement.
Memorial Day
There are no classes and campus offices are closed on Memorial Day.