2022 International Society for Forensic Genetics Student Travel Scholarship

January 24, 2022
hero helix graphic

The Purdue University Northwest (PNW) Center for Crime and Forensics is soliciting proposals for 10 travel scholarships for students interested in attending the 29th Congress of the International Society for Forensic Genetics in Washington D.C., August 29 – September 2, 2022.


The Center at PNW was formed to enhance student learning opportunities and community engagement by bridging multidisciplinary activities across the institution in areas of criminology and forensics. As part of its core mission, the Center aims to engage students within these communities while fostering new opportunities for collaboration and professional development.

By teaming up with the Provost’s Office and the College of Engineering and Sciences, the Center is providing $1000 in travel support to each successful applicant for students with an interest in forensic biology to attend a scientific meeting in order to promote student and faculty research, community engagement, and professional development. Students will have the opportunity to attend scientific seminars, professional network meetings, student/faculty poster presentations, and help promote PNW in Washington D.C.

How to Apply & Deadline

Proposals must be submitted by February 28, 2022 to: cwestrin@pnw.edu.

Scholarship Details

  • The scholarship will be awarded on Friday, March 11, 2022.
  • Successful candidates will be paired into five groups of two (2) and required to submit an abstract for a poster presentation by Friday April 1, 2022.


Successful candidates must have a strong interest in the sciences with an emphasis in forensic and/or molecular biology preferred. Strong preference will be given to students with an interest in forensic science, particularly forensic DNA typing. This solicitation is highly competitive and will be judged on the following criteria.


Scholarship proposals must address the criteria listed below. Individual proposals will be judged based upon specified criteria. Applicants which deviate from the specific requirements will not be given consideration.


  • Single spaced, size 12 Times New Roman font
  • Standard Microsoft Word margins (1” L x 1” R x 1” T x 1” B)
  • Total of three sections, 1200 words (not including headers)

SECTION 1 (400 words)

  • How will the student’s attendance at the ISFG 2022 Congress benefit their educational and professional goals?

SECTION 2 (400 words)

  • How will the student’s participation at the ISFG 2022 Congress enhance the forensics program at PNW?

SECTION 3 (400 words)

  • How will the student’s participation at the ISFG 2022 Congress benefit the ISFG Congress now and in the future?

Contact Us

Christian G. Westring, Ph.D.
Director and Professor
Center for Crime and Forensics

the 29th congress of the international society for forensic genetics. aug. 29 to sept. 2, 2022 in washington, dc