Students walk in front of the Nils K, Nelson Bioscience Innovation Building

PNW's Next Strategic Plan

Purdue University Northwest is in the process of developing our new strategic plan, “Excellence Evolving,” which will guide and focus PNW’s journey from 2025-2030.

A student walks across PNW's Westville campus

Strategic Planning Survey

Thank you to members of the PNW community who have participated in focus groups to help shape PNW’s next strategic plan, “Excellence Evolving.” If you haven’t had a chance to join a focus group, please complete our survey to share your thoughts on the current state of the university and ideas to help envision our shared future.

Take the Strategic Planning Survey

Students walk around the bell tower on the Hammond Campus

PNW Strategic Planning Engagement Meetings

September 24 and 25

8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Join the Strategic Plan Steering Committee and university leaders to discuss and provide input to help shape the high-level strategy that will drive the development of our new strategic plan. Full-day participation is essential to ensure the coherence and effectiveness of the planning process. Breakfast and lunch will be provided!

Hammond Meeting (Sept. 24)

Westville Meeting (Sept. 25)

A PNW student works on an electric bike

Excellence Evolving

As an institution committed to academic excellence, innovation and student success, it is essential that we continuously evolve and adapt to meet the changing needs of our students, our region, and our world. With this in mind, “Excellence Evolving” will set forth a bold vision for the future of our institution, grounded in our core values and driven by our collective aspirations.



Strategic Planning Timeline

Strategic Planning Timeline

May to August 2024

Discovery and Data Gathering

Analyze Our Internal and External Environments

  • Strategic Planning Planning Process Announced
  • Steering Committee Named
  • Data Gathering and Benchmarking

September 2024

Analyze and Synthesize Data

Identify Themes Emerging from the Data

  • Finish Data Gathering and Agree on a Plan for a Synthesis Meeting (Whole University)
  • Synthesize the Data and Create a Report for the University
  • Bring a Microcosm of the University Together to Interpret Data and Set High-Level Strategy

October to December 2024

Act on the Data

Evaluate and Select Strategic Options

  • Develop High-Level Draft Strategy
  • Iterate the Strategy to the Objective Level and Prioritize

January to February 2025

Build the Plan

Align Activities for Consistency

  • Develop Strategic Initiatives for the Prioritized Objectives
  • Initiate the Strategic Plan

Strategic Plan Events

Sep 24

PNW Strategic Planning Engagement Meeting (Hammond)

All students, faculty and staff are invited to participate in a pivotal daylong planning meeting that will help shape the next PNW strategic plan, Excellence Evolving: PNW 2025-2030.

Sep 25

PNW Strategic Planning Engagement Meeting (Westville)

All students, faculty and staff are invited to participate in a pivotal daylong planning meeting that will help shape the next PNW strategic plan, Excellence Evolving: PNW 2025-2030.

Strategic Plan Announcements

A student walks across PNW's Westville campus

Invitation to Take Strategic Planning survey

If you haven’t had a chance to join a focus group for PNW’s next strategic plan, please complete our survey to share your thoughts on the current state of the university and ideas to help envision our shared future.

The PNW Bell Tower in summer

You’re Invited to Our Shared Future: All Inclusive Strategy Day!

PNW faculty, staff and students, we are excited to invite you to participate in one of our Shared Future: All Inclusive Strategy Day events. Your insights are invaluable as we work together to shape the development of our new strategic plan.

Purdue University Northwest Technology Building

Strategic Planning Focus Groups in Westville – You Are Invited

We are making excellent progress with the strategic planning process! To allow as much participation as possible, there are also four open sessions scheduled next week at the Westville Campus.

Steering Committee

Yu Ouyang


Yu Ouyang

Associate Department Chair of English and World Languages and History, Philosophy & Political Science, and Associate Professor of Political Science

Rebecca Stankowski


Rebecca Stankowski

Associate Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs

Logo: PNW Purdue University Northwest on a gold background

Tom Albano

Senior Associate Athletic Director

Yesi Avalos

Yesenia Avalos

Associate Director for Student Success and Retention

Logo: PNW Purdue University Northwest on a gold background

Joshua Buggs

Student Government Association Representative

John Durocher

John Durocher

Nils K. Nelson Endowed Professor of Integrative Human Health

Timothy Griffin

Timothy Griffin

Associate Director, Office of Institutional Equity

Katie Holderby

Katie Holderby

Director of Alumni Engagement

Logo: PNW Purdue University Northwest on a gold background

Dave Kozel

Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering and Faculty Senate Representative

Rachel Krcmarich

Rachel Krcmarich

Campus Planning Administrator and MaPSAC Representative

Maged Mikhail

Maged Mikhail

Department Chair of Engineering Technology and Associate Professor of Mechatronics Engineering Technology

Iris Sanchez

Iris Sanchez

Director of Hispanic Serving Institution Initiatives

Kwangsoo Park

Kwangsoo Park

Associate Dean, College of Business and Director, White Lodging School of Hospitality and Tourism Management

Jahaira Perez

Jahaira Perez

Employee Relations Manager

Julia Rogers

Julia Rogers

Associate Professor of Nursing

Logo: PNW Purdue University Northwest on a gold background

Omar Sahmoudi

Associate Vice Chancellor of Finance and Business Services

Kathy Tobin

Kathy Tobin

Professor of History and Faculty Senate Representative

Priscilla Toney

Priscilla Toney

Human Resources Specialist and CCSAC Representative

Sandra Steele

Sandra Steele

Associate Vice Chancellor for Enrollment Management