PNW Accessibility Center
The PNW Accessibility Center* empowers college-ready students with documented disabilities to participate fully in PNW by providing equal access and opportunity.
*Formerly the Disability Access Center (DAC), read our latest issue of “Possibilities” to learn why we changed our name to the PNW Accessibility Center.

Transitioning to College
Students are now considered adults on campus and are responsible to initiate the process by which they can receive accommodations in an access plan.

Meet the PAC
We are a staff committed to helping students and faculty stay within federal guidelines of receiving accommodations so that everyone has access to quality education.
Registered PAC students can log in to the AIM student database to authorize accommodations, schedule exams, request note-takers, alternative format of textbooks and more.
Faculty with registered PAC students can log in to the AIM service to view their students’ accommodations.